Join the coalition as an organisation

There are two membership options:

Non-profit membership: organisations such as community repair initiatives and small environmental NGOs can join free of charge (depending on your size).

For-profit membership: we ask for-profit organisations to contribute financially with an annual membership fee starting at 250€ for companies with 1-5 employees, and increasing depending on the size of the organisation: 

No. of employees in EU = yearly membership fee

1-5 = 250€

6-10 = 500€

11-25 = 2,000€

26-50 = 3,500€

51-100 = 5,000

€101+ = 7,500€

Please complete the form below. Based on your organisaion, you will either be automatically approved to join the coalition, or your application will require review by the steering committee which can take up to 4 weeks.