Nueva normativa europea por un Derecho a Reparar: lee nuestra análisis aquí
Somos personas, somos reparadoras, somos activistas de sostenibilidad, somos una comunidad.
Creemos que los productos deberían durar más, y que cuando se estropean se tendrían que poder arreglar. Eso requiere unos productos diseñados pensando en la reparación y un apoyo para todo tipo de reparadores.
Exigimos el derecho a reparar.
¡Ves por delante! Apúntate al movimiento por un derecho universal a reparar
Somos una coalición de organizaciones europeas que luchan por un cambio de sistema en la reparación.
Únete a la campaña
Reforming Extended Producer Responsibility Schemes to Promote Repair
How can EPR be reshaped to promote repair in the EU? What policy changes does this entail at the EU and national level? Read our discussion and recommendations!
New Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) – What does it mean for Repair?
The new ESPR regulation has the potential to cover nearly all product groups and to tackle environmental impacts from manufacturing to end-of-life. However to which extent it will concretely address reparability, durability, and premature obsolescence is still to be determined in secondary legislation.
Analysis of the adopted Directive on Common Rules Promoting the Repair of Goods
After years of intense campaigning by right to repair advocates, EU lawmakers have finally agreed upon new repair rules. Read our full analysis of these new rules!