The French repairability index: challenges and opportunities

Please note that registration for this event is now closed . We will publish the video recording of the webinar on our website after the event.

Since January 1st 2021, France is the first country in Europe to have implemented a repairability index on 5 categories of electronic devices.

The goal is to inform consumers about the repairability of a product, thanks to a grade out of 10 based on criteria such as ease of disassembly and availability and price of spare parts.

While this index is a key milestone for the Right to Repair in Europe, it isn’t without limitations. From how easy it is to obtain a good grade to self-declared scores by manufacturers and no sanctions until 2022, it comes with challenges that are important to acknowledge and discuss.

To better understand the political and technical background of the index, how it was calculated and what the next steps could be in Europe, join our webinar on Thursday, 28th of January at 10:30AM with contributions from:

Jean-Paul Ventère from the French ministry of ecological transition. He was part of the team who prepared the regulation and defined the methodology of the repairability index.

Laeticia Vasseur, the cofounder and executive officer of Halte à l’Obsolescence Programmée, the French NGO fighting for a society free of planned obsolescence. Laetitia is an expert in circular economy and lobbying, member of the “Acte” committee of the French Minister of Ecological Transition and vice-president of the Institute of Responsible Digital (INR).

Ernestas Oldyerevas, program manager at the European Environmental Citizens’ Organisation for Standardisation (ECOS), an international NGO advocating for environmentally friendly technical standards, policies and laws. At ECOS, he works to ensure that European institutions and international standards guarantee that electronic products are sustainable.

The webinar will last 1 hour and will be in English.

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  1. Hello. As i am not available at this time of the day, is there a way to watch the webinar later?

    Kind regards

    1. Yes, we have recorded it, it will be available very soon on the website.

  2. There has been a vote recently in the EU parliament about legislation on right to repair. A lot of people don’t know how that ended.
    Is it possible to address this briefly at the start of this Webinar so to have an impression how far the rest of the EU is and how influantial the Lobby-Machine against such proposals is?

  3. Unfortunatly the registration is yet closed, but it would be great if I could participate nevertheless tomorrow, as I’m very interested in the topic (I’m cofounder of MURKS? NEIN DANKE! – almost the german version of HOP…;-) and networker + multiplicator (more about my work- in german, but with a button to translate on the side : Thanks a lot in advance! best wishes, Carla Schulte-Fischedick

  4. It is strange that after registering to the event I was now told that I cannot access it because it has reached the limit on participants…(tried to join at 10:30 witht he link I was provided)

    1. Hi Barbara, sorry to hear. We have recorded the webinar and it will be available very soon on the website if you want to watch it then.

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